Monday, October 23, 2006

World Trade Center movie + 5.2 quake = freaky!!!

What do you get when add a movie and an earthquake???

I tell you… its freaky!

I was with my mom and sister when we went to festi last friday to watch a last full show of the movie, World Trade Center. Some of the scenes were quite boring for me… but there were some that were really scary! Having that kind of intense emotion is really something! And in the middle of watching that movie… I felt our seats were moving! It was an earthquake! (how appropriate with the movie noh?) talk about good timing! Argh!

That happened around 10:30 pm. I was nervous… but did not panic??? Haha

so there… we didn’t finish the movie because of that!

So, I dunno what was the ending...(can anyone tell me? haha) ...that was the first movie that I ever watched in the cinemas that I walked out.

That’s the first... and I hope there’s no next time.

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