Saturday, December 22, 2007

the good stuff at work

I know I haven’t talked about work that much here. Maybe because I don’t want to or there’s nothing to talk about…But last week was a different one! There were some good stuff at work…haha

Actually…it’s nothing much… nothing much these days at work…haha labo!

Not much of work/accounts to do…which is great! easy and not much pressure at all…(so, I have to enjoy it! haha)

What else?

Oh…Last Monday, we had our Christmas Party at the office. We had a dance presentation (that I can’t believe that I did those things…those office stuff…to put it in a better term na lang, “oldy stuff” for me. Haha oh, gah…nuff about it! Don’t want to talk about it na…haha but it was all fun)…and we won! Everyone had fun especially with all the laughtrip presentations of each team! The next day, we treated ourselves with a yellow cab pizza for lunch while watching our presentation in video (for personal consumption lang yun…haha)!

And also the good thing too this week (aside from some surprise bonus? haha), I got regularized! Yay! Together with MM (my batchmate), we had a good talk with my magaling and sobrang bait boss! Haha it was a fun talk too...(thanks, Ma’am Shellane!)

Oh…with that, we gave her a “thank you” gift! It was a calendar stand that says “I love my staff”! haha she was happy about it laugtrip again! Ang kulit namin!

So with the regularization thingy, we were obliged to treat the team with some sundae. And we did! Together with the celebration of Trissa’s birthday…and last day of work before Christmas…Everyone were so happy just having fun as well with the other bosses around! There were gifts…food…pictures all over too! haha

And so before, leaving the office…shot muna? Haha had some tequila rose. Gah! that made me dizzy(?) a bit! Ang kulit ng mga boss kasi! Puro kalokohan and laughtrip! Everyone were just really having fun and feeling the holiday spirit! Haha

Ah…how I wish that it’s always like this at work…fun and not pressure!

(the team!...centers!)

...And of course, being happy too!

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