Tuesday, October 14, 2008

no sweets. no vertigo.

i finally had my check up today.
together with my mommy, i went for consultations.
check up here and there.

guilty?! hahaha
i do have a cough.
and the doctor said, i should avoid sweets.
wutt the heck?!
that's one thing that make me happy and i'll be deprived of it?!
errr. hahaha
but it's all good. it's for the best...until my cough disappears. hehe

anyway...after that...consulted also about my dizziness. they thought it was vertigo. so i had go through cbc test. or whatever that is.
so i went down to another floor then had the blood test.
ouch! =(
i hate those injections...even if it is just seconds. ehhh.

then after that, i went to the ENT doctor that was across the building.
...his assistant checked me...then had to go back to the other building again for the LOA thing.
then back the other building again to have some tests coz i was suspected to have vertigo.

and there...
my blood is normal.
my hearing blah blah is normal too.

so...why am i dizzy?
then doctor asks, "are you on diet?"
i answered, "uh, no."
duh?! i'm not into dieting.
mahina lang ako kumain.
but that's just me. but i eat plenty when i want to. haha

uhhh...anyway, after everything that i've gone through...i thank God that i don't have vertigo. yay!
but i hope i'll feel better. and not feel those dizziness.
oh well.
so for now, i can't eat sweets.
and also, when i'm dizzy or something, i have to dring 2 teaspoons of honey bee?
oh...takes away dizziness.
hmmm. haha

so, i'm good with health.
and now...how about with finding work?
oh well.
still hoping and praying for the best! =)

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