Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Struggling at 23!

If you stop struggling, then you stop life.
-- Huey Newton
I’m 23.

college graduate.


frustrated traveler…

and struggling in life.

But life goes on…


All along I thought that I was only 21 when I am asked by people about my age. Not because I am making my self younger and all…but the truth is, I really thought that I was 21. (Seriously? Seriously!) Little did I know that I am already 22…then now 23? Gah!!! Can’t believe it! But fine. Whatever. Labo! Haha (getting older means getting a lot of wisdom too.)


My birthday day…haha

I started my day with low spirit. Maybe because I’m not really a morning person. I had to wake up early because we had plans for the day. Plus, the fact that even though my mom and my sister greeted and kissed me for my birthday, I still miss those of my dads…hay… doesn’t feel like its my birthday (wasn’t really counting on my birthday too).

Anyway, we had lunch with some close family friends of mom at Antipolo. (argh…dagger! Such a far place and I was not really even up for it!). It has been decades that they haven’t seen each other. It was fun…there were lots of food and the people who were present were warm and funny too. Also, the 2 members (drummer and bassist) of the family are from Stonefree band (I really like their song, the only song that I know from them, Listen.). We even had pictures taken with Rely, godson of my mom, inside their studio.


(Rely, Tita Nel, Mom and I)

From Antipolo, we went to Makati. Together with my mom and my sister, we walked around to find the Rada St. for a job interview and test that I had to go to. After that, we went to see a movie, The Pursuit of Happyness. (Gahh!!! It’s not at all a happy movie. It’s a depressing one! I know it happens in reality but oh come on! It really is frustrating!!!)

After the movie, we went around greenbelt to look where we can have dinner for my kinda birthday celebration…haha

…ended up at The Red Crab - Seafood Club… (my choice) My mom, sister, Jim and I…all had buffet.

Got one of these…

and that…


and that… haha

The food was good…also, crabs were everywhere of course! It’s like bottomless crabs! Haha with funny big bibs while eating those.

(I just wore these bibs for picture taking purposes. Haha did not really wore those while eating...haha)

(we’re just messing up with each other)

There were some people who were there too…my guests for my birthday (aside from Stonefree band)??? Haha nah! Well…it’s just the whole Purefoods Team were there for dinner…nice! Haha (Oh …how I wish that it was another team or people part of the PBA (like you know who…haha) or another team of another sports…like footy, maybe? Haha)

Guess who’s this?...

controversial ah…haha trippings! Walang magawa eh… was so full na!

But it was fun looking at them eating with those bibs! Haha But how lousy! Looking at those tall guys… they don’t even take their bibs off when they go to the buffet table! (Uh, hello? you’re supposed to take that off!) hay…Tall guys walking around having their bibs with them. Crazy!

Anyway, I ended my dinner with some mango crepes!

Yum yum! Haha I even put some chocolates from the fondue and garnished it with little chocolates and marshmallows! Ahhh… Sarap!

Oh…adding to the celebration of my birthday... (I think its two weeks ago) together with other celebrants, I was prayed over by my Singles For Christ Family


and greeted by everyone in our Single’s Weekend Retreat.


So there’re my 23rd birthday...

oh well.. 

Though some things are different... and there are so many stuggles in life, I still find myself ...happy… and also, i’m still always thankful for all the blessings God has given me!

Without Him, would not survive 23 years (and counting) of my life.

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